Welcome to my homepage.
To find out what I am up to, new submissions, working papers,
adventures and introspections,
click here.
For discussions and disputations concerning controversial topics read the Causality Blog.
To view the slides of my tutorial at the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM-16), Chicago, IL, August 1, 2016, click [ppt] or [pdf].
Tutorial (December, 2013), "Causes and Counterfactuals: Concepts, Principles and Tools," click here.
Lecture (April, 2013), "The Mathematics of Causal Inference: With Reflections on Machine Learning," click here.
For videos (July, 2011), including a Lecture, a symposium, and an interview, click here.
For a video on causes and counterfactuals (2010), click here.
To view my commencement speech at the University of Toronto
June 21, 2007,
click here.
For transcript,
click here.
For a gentle introduction to my current research on causality, [click 1 or 2].
Transcript and slides of 1996 Faculty Research Lecture:
The Art and Science of Cause and Effect
Transcript and slides of 1999 IJCAI Award
Lecture: Reasoning
with Cause and Effect
Excerpts from the 2nd edition of Causality
(Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Technical material supporting the story
in 1-2, can be found [postscript] or [pdf] in:
- (R-350):
J. Pearl, "Causal inference in statistics: An overview," Statistics Surveys, 3:96--146, 2009.
- (R-264):
J. Pearl, ``Simpson's paradox: An anatomy'' Extracted from Chapter 6 of CAUSALITY.
- (R-218-B):
J. Pearl, "Causal Diagrams for Empirical
Research" Biometrika, 82(4), 669--710, December 1995.
Key publications related to causality
- (R-320):
J. Pearl, "Robustness of Causal Claims"
In Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, AUAI Press: Arlington, VA, 446-453, July 2004.
- (R-290):
J. Tian and J. Pearl, "A General
Identification Condition for Causal Effects" In Proceedings
of the Eighteenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI/The
MIT Press: Menlo Park, 567-573, August 2002.
- (R-273-U):
J. Pearl, "Direct and Indirect Effects"
In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 411-420, 2001.
- (R-266-Part1):
J.Y. Halpern and J. Pearl, "Causes
and explanations: A structural-model approach
- -- Part I: Causes"
In British Journal of Philosophy of Science, 56:843-887, 2005.
- (R-266-Part2):
J.Y. Halpern and J. Pearl, "Causes
and explanations: A structural-model approach
- -- Part II: Explanations"
In British Journal of Philosophy of Science, 56:889-911, 2005.
- (R-269):
J. Pearl, "The logic of counterfactuals
in causal inference (Discussion of `Causal inference without counterfactuals'
by A.P. Dawid),"
In Journal of American Statistical Association, Vol. 95, No.
450, 428--435, June 2000.
- (R-271-A):
J. Tian and J. Pearl, "Probabilities
of causation: Bounds and identification"
In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 28,
287--313, 2000.
Other publications