Symposium on
Heuristics, Probability and Causality

By Contributors to Judea Pearl's Festschrift
(Edited by Rina Dechter, Hector Geffner, and Joseph Y. Halpern, College Publications, 2010)

UCLA professor Judea Pearl was honored March 12, 2010 at an all-day workshop celebrating his contribution in artificial intelligence and related sciences. The vidoes linked on the right feature lectures from the Probability Session of the symposium. (Other sessions can be viewed from their respective pages.) Click here for table of contents and full texts of the articles presented.

VIDEOS: Probabilistic Reasoning Session

Stuart Russell
"The Glorious Revolution of 1988"

Mike Jordan
"Bayesian Nonparametric Learning: Expressive Priors for Intelligent Systems"

Thomas Dean
"Graphical Models of the Primate Visual Cortex"

David Poole
"Probabilstic Programming Languages: Independent Choices and Deterministic Systems"

Ingrid Zukerman
"Marriage between Language and Bayesian Networks"

Michael Gelfond
"Combining Probabilistic and Logical Reasoning"


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